AMSOIL for Cars & Light Trucks

AMSOIL Car & Light Truck Oils by Engine Type
AMSOIL Motor Oils for Cars & Light Trucks
Helpful Tips from Dave Mann
While AMSOIL offers many different types of gasoline engine oil, the most popular motor oils are the Signature Series, High Mileage, Extended Life (XL), and the OE (Original Equipment) Synthetic Motor Oils.

I prefer to run the Signature Series oils in my gas engines because that line is the best of the best and saves me time and money in the long run.
Signature Series vs. High-Mileage vs. XL vs. OE
Signature Series provides up to 25,000 miles of protection (or one year) when combined with the AMSOIL EAO Filter, Extend-Life (XL) offers 20,000 miles of protection between changes, High-Mileage can run 12,000 in engines over 75k miles, and OE (Original Equipment) recommends following the manufacturers specifications.
Helpful Tips from Dave Mann
AMSOIL 100% synthetic motor oils are premium top tier products, using AMSOIL saves me time and money in the long-haul, increasing efficiency and all that needs to be done is periodic engine oil level dipstick checks and adding oil when necessary.
How often should you check your oil?
Personally because I use my vehicles for extreme use, heavy hauling, plowing, etc., I check my engine oil levels every 2 weeks max, however this is probably a bit excessive. In reality, checking the oil level every 4-6 weeks is most likely adequate for the average motorist for non-severe service with lower mileage vehicles. Higher mileage vehicles need to have the oil level checked more often.
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